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Manual 1B

Manual 1B


Manual #1B: Functions, Pathways and EEG Frequencies at Each of the International 10-20 System Placements

  • 143 pages with full-color graphics

  • Gives the International 10-20 System placements that correspond to the neuroanatomy

  • Neuroanatomical Structures

  • Neurophysiology

  • Neurofeedback Research


Special emphasis is placed on which processes are mediated by the brain under each of the different 10-20 system placement. This focus guides the neurotherapist in determining training placement and frequency as precisely as possible.

Disclaimer: The purchase of our manuals generally happens in conjunction with attendance at one of our Brownback Mason & Associates workshops hosted by Stress Therapy Solutions, participation in one of our webinars, or after individual consults with Tom Brownback. They serve as ideal adjunct tools to this instruction, but have also been used by professionals around the world who have not attended any of our presentations or personal consults. If you have not taken part in any of these learning experiences, it is recommended that you contact our office to learn more about our manuals.

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Office: (610) 434-1540 * Fax (610) 434-6775

1702 W. Walnut St, Allentown, PA 18104, USA

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